I have already mentioned a few of my inspirations for riding across country--and this blog will reference more in the coming weeks. Perhaps we all have a real inspiration for life and liberty when we think about how the Ukrainean people are standing up to an attack by its neighbor Russia.
With that preamble, I am sharing the following from my riding partner Bruce (who is a Rotarian) and Wynn Washle, Foothills Rotary Club, President-Elect Designate.
Relief for Ukraine
Fort Collins Rotary Quad Clubs
Our Goal: $25,000
Since February 24th, we have all seen on the news the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian women, children and elderly, who have had to flee their country as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The neighboring countries of Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, etc. have been flooded with these refugees who are uncertain when they may ever return to their homes…if their homes even still exist. Around the world, people are asking and wondering, “What can we do to help?”
What we are doing:
Fortunately, due to a former Foothills Rotary Exchange Student, Anastazia Semancakova, we have a connection with Rotary Club Spisska Nova Ves (RI club number 50182) who are involved in assisting Ukraine under Rotary District 2240 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.
Our Fort Collins Rotary Quad Clubs are partnering with Rotary Club Spisska Nova Ves in which the District Governor has appointed his responsible coordinators. The coordinators directly manage specific assistance to refugees from Ukraine who are in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic.
Anastazia’s mother, Olga Semancakova is working with Rotary Club Spisska Nova Ves to focus on helping children from Ukraine who live and go to school in Spisska Nova Ves. There are currently about 200 children from Ukraine (and growing) who attend kindergartens and primary schools, and it is necessary to provide them with school supplies, clothes, shoes and other expenses including food and housing. https://artshowukrainesnv.blogspot.com/2022/05/the-international-assistance.html
Tie your donation to Bruce Hottman’s Ride Across America
Foothills Rotarian, Bruce H., has agreed to allow us to use his two-month bike ride across America as a catalyst for giving. Individuals can make a certain donation per mile (3900) or simply make a flat donation towards the Ukrainian Relief Fund.
To Give: Click here. In the drop-down menu, select “Relief for Ukraine.”
Or make checks payable to: Foothills Rotary Foundation with Relief for Ukraine in the memo line. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact:
Wynn Washle, Ph.D.
Foothills Rotary Club, President-Elect Designate
970-215-2255; wwashle@thegroupinc.com